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This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. Supplier will post any revised policy on the company website and distribute via regular mail to all active customers.

Information Subject to Other Policies

The Supplier is committed to following the Privacy Policy for all Private Information. However, certain information is subject to policies of the Customer that may differ in some respects from the general policies set forth in this privacy policy.

Contacting Us

Questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information practices of the Supplier's Web sites should be directed to

OERCA Privacy Policy


OERCA (or "the Supplier") is a Software As A Service (SAAS) company offering a sophisticated web-based record management application uniquely designed for zoological institutions, rescue centers and field operations. Our service allows zoological professionals, veterinarians and researchers to access an extensive spectrum of facility and animal management tools over the internet.  We respect and protect the privacy of our Customers and individuals who use our services.

This Privacy Policy outlines the Supplier’s general policy and practices for implementing Privacy Principles, including the types of information to be gathered, how that information will be used, and the notice and choice affected individuals have regarding that use of and their ability to correct that information. This Privacy Policy applies to all Private Information received by the Supplier whether in electronic, paper, or verbal format.


“Private Information” shall mean information that

  1. Can be used to uniquely identify a specific individual,

  2. Can be used to uniquely describe a specific individual,

  3. Is any information a Customer's Authorized User(s) have submitted via our services.


Supplier’s Privacy Policy is straightforward.  We are committed to protecting your information and will not share or distribute any information or data that is collected through our SAAS products accessed via the domain;;;  All information and data collected is owned expressly by the Customer.

Information Collection and Use

Supplier’s Services are designed to allow customers to gather important information regarding animal collections and facility operations.  Such information includes, but is not limited to animal profiles, feed and session records, medical information, various inventories, water quality and other facility tracking information.  All information gathered through our SAAS products remains under the ownership of the Customer.  Any and all use of this information is at the sole discretion of the Customer, and intended for their use in managing their facility and animal care needs.  Each customer has the option to share anonymous aggregate data for industry benefits; but is not obligated to do so and can opt out of such information sharing.

Security and Privacy

Supplier uses robust security measures to protect Customer Data from unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and help ensure the appropriate use of Customer Data. We employ technical, administrative and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your information; and use industry-recognized technical safeguards, such as firewalls, and have adopted and implemented security procedures to protect your information from loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. In addition to proprietary code developed exclusively for the OERCA system, these technologies help ensure that Customer Data is safe, secure, and only available to the Customer to whom the information belongs and those to whom the Customer has granted access. Supplier also implements an advanced security method based on dynamic data and encoded session identifications, and the Supplier hosts its web sites in a secure server environment that uses firewalls and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders.

Notwithstanding our efforts, we cannot guarantee absolute or unqualified protection of this information on or transmitted via third-party electronic networks such as the Internet, and we make no representations or warranties as to the effectiveness of our security and assume no liability for security breaches or any failure in the security of your computer equipment, your internet service provider or other networks and communications providers. Please review our white paper on OERCA Data Security for more information regarding the efforts made to protect your data.

Data Integrity

It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that Information is accurate, complete, current, and reliable for its intended and declared use only.

Customer Data

Customers use the Supplier Service to host data and information (“Customer Data”). Supplier will not review, share, distribute, or reference any such Customer Data except as provided in the  SAAS Terms & Conditions Agreement, or as may be required by law. Individual records of Customer Data may be viewed or accessed only for the purpose of resolving a problem, support issues, or suspected violation of the SAAS Agreement, or as may be required by law. Customers are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their OERCA Authorized User names and passwords.


Supplier shall allow the Customer to access their Private Information and permit the Customer to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate information, unless the cost of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the privacy of the Customer in the case in question, or where the rights of other persons would be violated by permitting access to such information.


The Supplier uses a self-assessment approach to ensure compliance with this Privacy Policy and verifies periodically that the policy is accurate and comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented, and accessible and in conformity with the Privacy Policy. Supplier encourages interested parties to contact us with any concerns using the contact information provided. The Supplier will investigate and attempt to resolve any complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of Private Information in accordance with the Privacy Principles.

If a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved through internal process, the Supplier agrees to dispute resolution via a third party.

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